turn one time $19 into $20k over & over again...

Text Message #77

8z nt d
c0mmitment dt
matterz 2
pr0ve ur lav
f0r sum1..
rather,8z d
hapinez dt u
fil wen u see
smyL weder d
riz0n is u or

Text Message #76

Check y0ur

W-orship habit
A-vailability of time
L-oyalty to Christ
L-ove of other people
E-agerness t0 gr0w
T-ime management f0r God

*Have time t0

[good p.m.]



Text Message from Jipsy
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Fateful event in the Philippines: bloody bus hostage taking

The hostage crisis in the Philippines ended up wasting nine lives (eight Hongkong tourists and the hostage taker, former Philippine Police Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza) and left several injured among Hongkong hostages, police officer, and a bystander.

The hostage taking took place for almost 12 hours with series of hopeful events manifested by goodwill acts of the hostage taker by freeing some of the hostages and by a simple gesture of waving  his hand to the negotiator and on the camera.

The situation was really under control but not until the arrest of Mendoza's brother, (Senior Police Officer 2 ) SPO2 Gregorio Mendoza, with his relatives sensationally resisting the arrest and is being telecast live on the news television. It apparently triggered  the hostage taker, who believed to be watching live news feed over the monitor inside the bus. Shortly after his brother's arrest, six loud gunfire were heard inside the bus. However, in just a span of a minute or two after the said gunfire, the hostage bus driver managed to escape from being handcuffed on the maneuvering wheel by the used of his nail-cutter and shouting "Patay na lahat ng tao!" "They are all dead!" (referring to the people inside the bus). The members of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team of the Philippine National Police hastily stormed the bus but were surprised with another gunfire pulled from the inside. The SWAT team obviously having hard-time in penetrating the subject, far from what should be expected from them as a special and an elite unit of the Philippine National Police. What transpired after that was a dreadful reality of lives lost that even nature despised which pours a heavy rain.

What are the possible causes of this heartbreaking hostage-standoff? and What are its implications?

From a layman's point of view:

          1.     they should not have arrested Mendoza's brother. The arrest agitated the hostage taker which warrant to the undesirable actions of the latter. Instead, they should have used his brother to act as one of the negotiators all throughout;

          2.     the Philippine National Police should have granted the request of the hostage taker's son, also a Police Officer and a graduate from the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), to visit his father and help in pacifying the same;

          3.     the police should have maintained unflappable negotiation with the hostage taker.

The implications from the layman's point of view:

         1.    There really might be something wrong in our justice system. This is the prime concern of the hostage taker, former Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza, who vehemently deny the accusations of extortion imputed against him which dismissed him later from service. He even said from a live phone patch interview that he made several letters to the Office of the Ombudsman and yet he received no response whatsoever;

          2.      It only shows to the world that we are not that capable of taking care and control of scenarios like this;

           3.      Tourists will be hesitant in visiting the Philippines.

What are the lessons?

           1.     the Philippine National Police shall upgrade and hone more their skills in dealing with similar scenarios.

          2.     the Philippine National Police shall redeem their reputation and emphasize professionalism by discouraging all issues like police brutality, torture, and the like. The PNP have a number of good cops, we should not waste them.

           3.     the Filipino people shall not wait another scenario to happen again. We should be vigilant enough to seek justice and to help in delivering the same, we should voice out our grievances to the government in the proper manner. Good thing that we have a good President who is very open-minded for change and for the betterment of our country.

To the families, relatives, and friends of those hostages who have lost their lives in the hostage stand-off and the whole country of Hongkong: the Filipino people are with you in your deep sorrows and express our sincerest apology of what had happened. We love life as we love humanity. This is an isolated case that the whole world so abhors.

To the Philippine National Police: we keep and repose our trust in you for the peace and order of our country and for the safety of our abode and our family. You play a vital role in our country. Make us proud.

To the Philippine government: again we are tested by time we should remain firm amidst the odds. The fight against corruption and the raise of our funds shall pursue. Never to hesitate in spending money for the  modernization of our armed group to address and to prevent unwanted scenarios like this from happening again.

To the Filipino people: never lost hope. We can still make it through cooperation and vigilance.

God bless the Philippines!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!!

Text Message #75

when people
hurt u over n

think of them
like a

they may
scratch & hurt u
a bit..

but in d end, u
end up polished


they end up

Text Message from Gregar
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Text Message #74

little thought:
"two people will not
be together for so
long if they cannot
forgive each other's
little failure.

Text Message from Lea
Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City

A good catch

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Good luck!

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